Package org.ldaptive.handler
Interface Summary Interface Description CompareValueHandler Marker interface for a compare result handler.CompleteHandler Marker interface for a complete handler.ExceptionHandler Marker interface for an LDAP exception handler.ExtendedValueHandler Marker interface for an extended result handler.IntermediateResponseHandler Marker interface for an intermediate response handler.LdapEntryHandler Marker interface for an ldap entry handler.ReferralHandler Marker interface for a referral handler.RequestHandler<Q extends Request> Marker interface for a request handler.ResponseControlHandler Marker interface for a response control handler.ResultHandler Marker interface for a result handler.ResultPredicate Marker interface for a throw predicate.SearchReferenceHandler Marker interface for a search reference handler.SearchResultHandler Marker interface for a search result handler.UnsolicitedNotificationHandler Marker interface for an intermediate response handler. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractEntryHandler<T> Base class for entry handlers which simply returns values unaltered.CaseChangeEntryHandler Provides the ability to modify the case of search entry DNs, attribute names, and attribute values.DnAttributeEntryHandler Adds the entry DN as an attribute to the result set.MergeAttributeEntryHandler Merges the values of one or more attributes into a single attribute.MergeResultHandler Merges the values of the attributes in all entries into a single entry.RecursiveResultHandler This recursively searches based on a supplied attribute and merges those results into the original entry.SortResultHandler Sorts the entries, attributes, and attribute values contained in a search response. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CaseChangeEntryHandler.CaseChange Enum to define the type of case change.