
Pooling ldap connections provides a way to mitigate the overhead of creating LDAP connections. A connection pool configuration is controlled by a PoolConfig which has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description
minPoolSize 3 size the pool should be initialized to and pruned to
maxPoolSize 10 maximum size the pool can grow to
validateOnCheckIn false whether connections should be validated when returned to the pool
validateOnCheckOut false whether connections should be validated when loaned out from the pool
validatePeriodically false whether connections should be validated periodically when the pool is idle
validateTimerPeriod PT30M period at which pool should be validated

Ldaptive provides two pooling implementations: BlockingConnectionPool and SoftLimitConnectionPool. A blocking connection pool will block requests for a connection until one is available for use. A soft limit connection pool will grow beyond the maxPoolSize as needed. Our testing has shown that a properly tuned blocking pool will generally out perform a soft limit pool because it will take longer to provision a new connection than to wait for an existing connection to become available. However there may be circumstances where a soft limit pool is the best solution.


A pool of LDAP connections that has a set minimum and maximum size. The pool will not grow beyond the maximum size, so when the pool is exhausted, requests for new connections will block. The length of time the pool will block before throwing an exception is configurable. By default the pool will block indefinitely and there is no guarantee that waiting threads will be serviced in the order in which they made their requests. This implementation should be used when you need to control the exact number of ldap connections that can be created. A block wait time can be configured so that a BlockingTimeoutException will be thrown if a client waits longer than a defined period.

BlockingConnectionPool pool = new BlockingConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://directory.ldaptive.org"));
PooledConnectionFactory connFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory(pool);

Connection conn = connFactory.getConnection();
try {
  // connection is already open, perform an operation

} finally {
  // closing a connection returns it to the pool

// close the pool


A pool of LDAP connections that has a set minimum but no maximum. The pool will grow beyond the maximum size when the pool is exhausted. Pool size will return to its minimum based on the configuration of the prune timer. This implementation should be used when you have some flexibility in the number of LDAP connections that can be created to handle spikes in load. Note that this pool will begin blocking if it cannot create new LDAP connections.

SoftLimitConnectionPool pool = new SoftLimitConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://directory.ldaptive.org"));
PooledConnectionFactory connFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory(pool);

Connection conn = connFactory.getConnection();
try {
  // connection is already open, perform an operation

} finally {
  // closing a connection returns it to the pool

// close the pool


Ldaptive supports validating a connection on check out and check in. By default these operations do not occur, so if you desire this functionality you’ll need to configure your pool appropriately. Connections that fail validation are evicted from the pool. The interface for validators looks like:

public interface Validator<T>
  boolean validate(T t);

Ldaptive provides the following validator implementations:


Validates a connection by performing a compare operation. By default this validator performs a rootDSE compare on objectClass: top.

PoolConfig poolConfig = new PoolConfig();
BlockingConnectionPool pool = new BlockingConnectionPool(poolConfig, new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://directory.ldaptive.org"));
// perform a compare on the ou: people attribute for the ou=people,dc=vt,dc=edu dn
CompareValidator validator = new CompareValidator(new CompareRequest("ou=people,dc=vt,dc=edu", new LdapAttribute("ou", "people")));

Validation is successful if the compare operation returns true.


Validates a connection by performing a search operation. By default this validator performs an object level rootDSE search for (objectClass=*).

PoolConfig poolConfig = new PoolConfig();
BlockingConnectionPool pool = new BlockingConnectionPool(poolConfig, new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://directory.ldaptive.org"));
SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest();
request.setSearchFilter(new SearchFilter("(uid=dfisher)"));
request.setReturnAttributes(new String[0]);
SearchValidator validator = new SearchValidator(request);

Validation is successful if the search returns one or more results.

Periodic Validation

You can also configure validation to occur when the pool is idle instead of during check outs and check ins. By performing validation periodically rather than for every checkIn/checkOut you will improve performance during peak periods of load. This functionality can also serve as a keep-alive for long lived connections.

PoolConfig poolConfig = new PoolConfig();
BlockingConnectionPool pool = new BlockingConnectionPool(poolConfig, new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://directory.ldaptive.org"));
pool.setValidator(new SearchValidator());


Extra connections are removed from the pool using a PruneStrategy. The interface for prune strategy looks like:

public interface PruneStrategy
  /** Returns whether the supplied connection should be removed from the pool. */
  boolean prune(PooledConnectionProxy conn);

  /** Returns the statistical sample size to store for this prune strategy. */
  int getStatisticsSize();

  /** Returns the prune period for this prune strategy. */
  Duration getPrunePeriod();


Prunes connections from the pool based on how long they have been idle. This is the default prune strategy and it has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description
prunePeriod PT5M period at which pool should be pruned
idleTime PT10M time at which a connection should be considered idle and become a candidate for removal from the pool

A custom idle prune strategy can be configured by setting the prune strategy on the connection pool.

BlockingConnectionPool pool = new BlockingConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory("ldap://directory.ldaptive.org"));
pool.setPruneStrategy(new IdlePruneStrategy(Duration.ofMinutes(15), Duration.ofMinutes(30)));